====== Installation of Software ====== All software is free to download from the corresponding websites! ==== Jupyter Notebooks ==== * detailed [[jupyter-anaconda|installation instructions]] * short tutorial about the [[jupyter-basic|basic functions of Jupyter Notebook]] * [[en:Video-Tutorials|video tutorials]] on installation (Windows and Mac) and basic functions. [[https://jupyter.org/|Jupyter Notebook]] is an open source web application that allows creation and distribution of documents with programming code, visualizations or formulas, and explanations in text format. Jupyter is a very open system that supports more than 40 different programming languages and is used in various scientific fields mainly for data simulation, statistics and machine learning. In the context of the teaching units, Jupyter is primarily used to execute Python code for visualization and statistical analysis of musical scores ([[basics1|module Basics scores]], [[advanced1|module Advanced scores]]). In general, there are many different methods to install //Jupyter Notebook// on your own computer. A comfortable and easy to realize solution is the installation with the help of the open source environment [[https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual|Anaconda]]. //Anaconda// requires memory in the order of about 3 GigaByte. Alternatively, a reduced Anaconda version, [[https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html|Miniconda]], can be installed, which requires only about 1 GigaByte of memory. Here is a schematic overview of how the various program components are interrelated: {{ :en:image_jupyter_notebook_folie_englische_uebersetzung.png?600 |}} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==== Interactive Music Analysis Tool (I-MaT) ==== Information on [[en:interaktive_musikanalyse|installation and operation of the Interactive Music Analysis Tool]]. [[https://analyse.hfm-weimar.de/jupyter/I-MaT-InteraktivesMusikanalyse-Tool.py|download link]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==== MuseScore ==== [[https://musescore.org/en|MuseScore]] is an easy-to-use free score editor with comprehensive online documentation including various tutorials. It also allows to save various note data formats as recompressed xml files. As part of the open source project, numerous extensions have been programmed [[https://musescore.org/en/plugins|Plugins]]. On the website of [[https://musescore.org/en|MuseScore]] you can find among others: \\ * a [[https://musescore.org/en/download|Download]] link incl. installation instructions * a comprehensive and collaboratively written [[https://musescore.org/en/handbook|Manual]] as well as [[https://musescore.org/en/tutorials|video tutorials]] This tutorial ([[MuseScore-music21]]) is helpful, to set up MuseScore for use within Jupyter Notebooks/music21. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==== Sonic Visualiser ==== The [[https://sonicvisualiser.org|Sonic Visualiser]] is an easy-to-use software tool for visualizing different aspects of an audio file. The basic concept is to put different visualization layers or panes over an audio file. A detailed manual is part of the module [[basics2|Basics II: Audio]]. A detailed English introduction can be found [[https://sonicvisualiser.org/doc/reference/4.3/en/|here]].\\ Sonic Visualiser was developed at the Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London, for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. The software can be downloaded free of charge and easily installed, see [[https://sonicvisualiser.org/download.html|Download]].\\ ==== Vamp Plugins ==== The [[https://www.vamp-plugins.org/|Vamp Plugins]] is an audio processing plugin system in which MIR researchers develop plugin extensions for the Sonic Visualiser and make them freely available. Each plugin extract different information from the audio files and visualize it into a new visualization layer in the Sonic Visualiser. A [[https://www.vamp-plugins.org/download.html|list of the Vamp plugins]] developed so far contains short descriptions and links to the corresponding documentation and download pages. After downloading, the plugin files must be placed in a folder called "Vamp Plugins" located in the same folder as the //Sonic Visualiser// program folder, e.g. in //C\:Programs// or //C\:Program files//. Afterwards, the plug-ins can be accessed via the //Transform// menu item in Sonic Visualiser and can be applied to the opened audio file. For the tutorial [[tutorium_vamp|Visualizations with Sonic Visualiser and Vamp Plugins]] the following plugin packages are needed: * [[https://vamp-plugins.org/plugin-doc/qm-vamp-plugins.html|Queen Mary Plugin Set]] * [[https://aubio.org/vamp-aubio-plugins/|Vamp Aubio Plugins]] * [[http://www.isophonics.net/nnls-chroma|NNLS Chroma and Chordino]] (alternatively: [[https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/nnls-chroma/files|here]]). TIP: You can also download a comprehensive Vamp plugins package with its own installer [[https://vamp-plugins.org/pack.html|here]]. Choose this option if the manual download does not work (which is sometimes the case with Mac computers). ==== Sonic Annotator ==== With the [[https://www.vamp-plugins.org/sonic-annotator/|Sonic Annotator]] you can conveniently evaluate several (hundreds!) of audio files with Vamp plugins in one go. The results are written to a data file (csv or rdf). However, the operation is only possible via a command window (power shell). The free download is [[https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/sonic-annotator/files|here]]. Hints for installation and operation can be found in this [[sonic_annotator|tutorial]].