===== Research projects ===== Here you can find a list of research projects in the field of Computational Musicology: **Computer-Aided Musicology** \\ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6QnpHKwdPYiXGSVolZa-DrvW02aw0Lio \\ Basic music theory with the Jupyter notebook - explained on YouTube. **Digital Music Lab, London** \\ https://dml.city.ac.uk/ \\ Joint project of various London universities. **ELVIS-Project, Montreal** \\ https://github.com/ELVIS-Project \\ Music score analysis project, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, using various tools. **FMP Notebooks, Audio Labs Erlangen** \\ https://audiolabs-erlangen.de/fau/professor/mueller/notebookFMP \\ Juypter notebooks to Meinard Müller's MIR standard work: //Fundamentals of Music Processing//, Cham 2015. **Humdrum**\\ https://www.humdrum.org \\ The pioneering project in computer-aided music analysis: a comprehensive modular sheet music analysis tool in C++, by David Huron, Ohio State University. With its own note format (.kern). **The Jazzomat Research Project** \\ https://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de \\ Investigates the history of jazz improvisation using the [[https://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/dbformat/dboverview.html|Weimar Jazz Database]] and statistical tools ([[https://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/download/download.html|MeloSpyGUI]] and div. [[https://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/interactive.html|Web Tools]]); the freeware //MeloSpyGUI// can be applied to all monophonic melodies. **Mazurka Project** \\ http://www.mazurka.org.uk/ \\ Pioneering project in computer-based performance research, conducted at the British //Research Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music// (AHRC) using the //Sonic Visualiser//. **MIDI-Toolbox und MIR-Toolbox**\\ https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/mutku/en/research/materials \\ Two Toolboxes for Matlab by Petri Toiviainen and Tuomas Eerola, University of Jyväskylä. **Mingus** \\ https://github.com/bspaans/python-mingus https://pypi.org/project/mingus/ \\ Python package used by programmers, musicians, composers and researchers to make and investigate music. At the core of mingus is music theory, which includes topics like intervals, chords, scales and progressions. On top of that are several packages that deal with classical notation, MIDI (sequencing, loading and saving), MusicXML, ASCII tablature. **MIRAGE - A Comprehensive AI-Based System for Advanced Music Analysis** \\ https://www.uio.no/ritmo/english/projects/mirage/index.html \\ Forschungsprojekt der University of Oslo, Leiter: Olivier Lartillot **music21** \\ https://web.mit.edu/music21/doc \\ Comprehensive python library by Michael Cuthbert, MIT Boston. **Musiconn Score Search** \\ https://scoresearch.musiconn.de/ScoreSearch/ \\ The project of the Bayrische StaatsBibliothek makes it possible to search for tone sequences in the scores of numerous composers (including Ludwig van Beethoven, Georg Friedrich Händel, Franz Liszt, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann) as well as the archive of //B. Schott's Söhne//, which have been digitized using //Optical Music Recognition// (OMP) techniques. However, these techniques do not result in error-free data. **The Josquin Research Project, Stanford** \\ https://josquin.stanford.edu/search/ \\ With many music files and interesting analysis tools. **Transforming Musicology** \\ https://tm.web.ox.ac.uk/ \\ Oxford, London, Utrecht Project Network. **Verovio Humdrum Viewer** \\ https://verovio.humdrum.org/ \\ An extension of the HumDrum Toolkit that displays kern files as note text.