The Sonic Annotator can be used to conveniently evaluate several (hundreds!) of audio files with Vamp plugins in one swoop. The program runs without installation. The operation is done via a command window (power shell), where commands have to be typed.
1. download Sonic-Annotator ( and unpack it, e.g. to C:\Programme\sonic-annotator-1.6-win32
2. open Power-Shell (Windows: right-click in start menu to see Power Shell in program menu) or terminal window (Mac) and change to the corresponding directory (with the cd command; change directory):
cd C:\Programs\sonic-annotator-1.6-win32 (Just type the command after the '... >' )
All vamp plugins available on your computer in the Vamp Plugin folder are displayed with the following command:
.\sonic-annotator --list (.\ is necessary if access rights to sonic-annotator are denied).
A description of each vamp plugin is displayed by the following command, e.g., the Queen Mary tempo tracker:
.\sonic-annotator -s vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-tempotracker:tempo
The default settings of the respective vamp plugin are listed, too. Unfortunately, changes to these default settings can only be made when using the RDF/Turtle format. Information on this can be found here.
Two notes on dealing with power shell / command windows:
3. the following command works to query the tempotracker plugin for an audio file 'Audio01.mp3':
.\sonic-annotator -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-tempotracker:tempo Audio01.mp3 -w csv
The results are automatically written to a .csv file ('-w csv') named after the audio file and the vamp plugin.
The - -csv-separator „;“ option separates the results with a semicolon so that they are displayed in cells in spreadsheet software (like Excel).
.\sonic-annotator -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-tempotracker:tempo Audio01.mp3 -w csv --csv-separator ";"
4. multiple (recursive) queries: put all audio files you want to evaluate into one folder, e.g. c:/sound. Then enter the following command:
.\sonic-annotator -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-tempotracker:tempo -r c:/sound -w csv (Important is the '-r' after the vamp plugin name, for 'recursive').
To write all results to a single file with the filename 'results.csv', use the following command suffix: - -csv-one-file „results.csv“ suffix.
Here is an example of an overall command to determine the tempo of a set of audio files located in the c:/sound folder.
.\sonic-annotator -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-tempotracker:tempo -r c:/sound -w csv --csv-one-file "results.csv" --csv-separator ";"
Load the tracks of a CD or a playlist into a folder and compare