AI-based Audio Analysis of Music and Soundscapes

Research Projects - Useful Hints

Read metadata from CSV files

We'll use the CSV file from the ESC-50 as example to show how to import it using the pandas library.

Extract segments from longer audio files with unified durations

This example shows how to take an arbitrary audio file and cut in into segments of a fixed duration (e.g. 1s). This way, you can use collections of multiple audio files with different durations, and create a dataset for a machine learning model:

Audio File 1 (34 s) -> 34 audio segments (à 1s)

Audio File 2 (12 s) -> 12 audio segments (à 1s)


In total: 46 audio segments.

Note: Here, we have no overlap between the segments. Using overlapping segments is also possible and can potentially give you more data.

Random dataset partition into training and test set

Easy example: Consider we have 100 songs, we will first shuffle them (to random order) and then take the first 80% as training data and the second 20% as test data.

Alternative audio features for specific tasks

Tonality-based features

Rhythm-based features

Timbre based features

Research Report Structure

Section Purpose / Content
Abstract Very compact summary of your research report (what is the topic / research field?
give a brief motivation. which methods were applied / compared?
what are the main results and conclusions?
Introduction - classify the research topic in a superordinate field of research
- introduce / motivate problem, mention possible application scenarios
- what makes the problem challenging / hard / interesting to look into?
- briefly list / summarize the main contributions of the paper
Related Work - summarize and cluster (multiple) related publications (journal articles, conference papers, books) by outlining the main underlying research approaches to solve the existing problem (don't just go through paper 1, paper 2, etc.)
- compare and contrast (explain how other approaches differ from your approach, which other approaches your work builds upon
Proposed Method - explain your proposed method in details, think about presenting a flow-chart which summarizes the overall workflow
- (individual steps of your flowchart can guide the choice of subsections)
Evaluation - possible first subsection: Dataset / Annotation (explain source and content and type of annotations)
- explain evaluation procedure (dataset split, evaluation metrics)
- (if you perform multiple experiments, this can guide the choice of subsections
Results - summarize the main results (tables, figures)
Conclusions - summarize the overall result of your paper (list again the contributions, main findings from the experiments)
- optional: provide an outlook on future work