Zeige QuelltextÄltere VersionenLinks hierherNach oben Teilen per Teilen per... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer Reddit TeamsLetzte ÄnderungenPer E-Mail sendenDruckenPermalink × Resources and Documentation Please refer to the linked wiki sites for the following information: 1. Download and Installation of the software: Jupyter-Notebooks including Annaconda and Miniconda respectively. MuseScore Interactive Music Analysis Tool (I-MaT) Sonic Visualiser Vamp Plugins Sonic Annotator 2. List of tutorials 3. Sheet music database with all available xml sheet music files.. 4. Documentation for the program modules in music21 or pandas. Overview of the most important music21 commands 5. Additional Materials for instructors and 6. FAQ 7. Publications on computer-aided music analysis / digital musicology 8. Research Projects in computer-aided music analysis /Digital Musicology en/documentation.txt Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/10 15:32von martin