
Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

Resources and documentation

Please refer to the linked wiki sites for the following information:

1. Download und Installation of the software:

  • Jupyter-Notebooks including Annaconda and Miniconda respectively.
  • MuseScore
  • Interactive Music Analysis Tool (I-MaT)
  • Sonic Visualiser
  • Vamp Plugins
  • Sonic Annotator

2. List of modules and tutorials

3. Sheet music database with all available xml sheet music files.

4. FAQ

5. Publications on computer-aided music analysis / digital musicology

6. Research Projects in computer-aided music analysis /Digital Musicology

  • en/dokumentation.1643368686.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2022/01/28 11:18
  • von andres_romero