
The project

Courses on musical analysis are an integral part of both musicology courses and the training of music teachers and musicians at universities and conservatories. The goal of the fellowship project is to design, test, evaluate, and teach several flexibly applicable teaching modules on music analysis, with recourse to various computer-based analysis tools. The teaching modules are dedicated to computer-based annotation and visualization of musical texts and audio files, statistical analysis of music corpora, and search for musical patterns (melodies, rhythms etc.). They are intended to complement conventional analysis courses, have been and evaluated within several courses at the HfM Weimar, and will are available free of charge to a wider circle of interested parties via this Internet platform.

The project Computergestützte Musikanalyse in der digitalen Hochschullehre is located at the Institute for Musicology Weimar-Jena at the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar. It is funded by the Thuringian Ministry for Economy, Science and Digital Change and the Stifterverband. The project sees itself as a contribution to Computational Musicology or Digital Musicology within Digital Humanities.

Project leader:
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Pfleiderer
Research assistants:
  • Dr. Egor Polyakov
  • Christon-Ragavan Nadar
Student project assistants:
  • Esther Barta
  • Sebastian Oliver Eck
  • Clarissa Mühlhausen
  • Juan Paez
  • Andres Romero


Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar

Institute for Musicology Weimar | Jena
Hochschulzentrum am Horn
Carl-Alexander-Platz 1
99425 Weimar

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  • en/research.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/15 15:36
  • von martin