Zeige QuelltextÄltere VersionenLinks hierherNach oben Teilen per Teilen per... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer Reddit TeamsLetzte ÄnderungenPer E-Mail sendenDruckenPermalink × Cantonial sentences of Sethus Calvisius (Edition: Dr. Franz Kaern-Biederstedt) The database includes cantonial compositions of Sethus Calvisius (1556-1615) in an edition edited by Franz Kaern-Biederstedt, following the fourth edition of 1612 (the last edition edited by Calvisius himself). Cf. Franz Ferdinand Kaern-Biederstedt: The „Harmonia Cantionum ecclesiasticarum“ of the Leipzig Thomaskantor Sethus Calvisius. Entstehung, Quellen, Stilistik, Wilhelmshaven: Florian Noetzel Verlag 2015. Note: For correct display of the song texts and incipits, the font Junicode and character sets Capella Middle Ages and Capella Renaissance must be installed. To the compositions of Sethus Calvisius. en/calvisius.txt Zuletzt geändert: 2021/10/27 09:21von andres_romero